- Dramatic
- Storyline
- Mysterious
- Music - brought out emotion
- Acting
- Continuity
- Match on action
- Camera work was 'arty' whilst remaining 'gritty'
- Angles
- Voice-over - delivery was decent and emotive
- Silence at the beginning - gripping for the audience
- Showed loneliness well
- Found the repetitive music to work well with the 'mundane' life
- Bitty - seemed to jump from one anecdote to another
- Psychiatrist (me) - too aware of the camera and didn't like the 'wagging' of the pen
- Repetitive music
- Too zoomed in the psychiatrist's face
- Running shot - wasn't clear within the narrative
- Found the shot of Jimmy 'petting' the doll contradictory towards the monologue as it shows a more 'pet' like relationship rather then a friendship
- Several shots go on for too long
Could have been improved by:
- Dramatic tones to underline the really pivotal parts
- Shots in the kitchen could have been different
- Would have preferred a still shot rather then a shaky shot with 'Jimmy' running.
- Different locations
- (In psychiatrist shot) Book should have been handed sooner
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