Friday, 15 January 2010

Research Tasks

Lou-Lou lives here (Grian, 2003)

Identify the genre/s or style/s used
  • Black/White
  • Thriller/Social realism
  • Handheld camera
  • Non diegetic music
  • Realistic hair/make-up
  • Naturalistic lighting
  • Diegetic sound effects
  • Realistic locations - park/house

How does this film use genre/style uniquely?

  • The fact that it is in black and white adds mystery to the film. It also means that you cant tell when it is set because you cant see the design on the girls clothes. However,this doesnt take anything away from the storyline.
  • The fact that it is coming from a dogs point of view but is showing a girl adds to the mystery as you are not sure what is happening. This makes the reader to continue watching as they are intriged by what will happen.
  • The lack of speech and the heavy breathing adds to the suspicion that the girl is a dog as her movements are very jerky.

How does this film use the short film format?

  • The film is very fast paced which keeps the continuity smooth and seamless. The opening is interesting as the fist shot is of a telephone mast. It continues with a long shot of somebody lying on the floor. The telephone mast detracts the attention of the audience as they may start to wonder why there is a mast in the film. The girl on the floor is acting in a peculiar manor as she licks a cut on her leg. This is not very human like so the audience may start to expect that something isnt right. The end sequence shows the dog running away after atacking the man, which could be an owner. The last scene is a sign on the house where Lou-Lou lives which says 'Beware, Lou Lou lives here'. This gives the impression that the dog could strike again at any moment.
  • I wouldnt use this style in my short film as the viewer may become slightly disorientated or confused during and after watching it. I also think that the storyline is very indepth and requires a lot of thought from the viewer. I am saying this as i have watched it a few times and i am still struggling with the storyline.

What do you find interesting about the use of sound?

  • The use of sound is very apparant in this film. There is both diegetic and non diegetic music. The non diegetic music at the beginning adds to the tension and build up the narrative of the film.
  • During the film there is heavy breathing, especially when the girl/dog gets angry. This is instead of having speech and i feel that it adds greater effect to the film. There is very little dialogue apart from the word "Lou-Lou". This is whispered slightly and can only be heard if you listen closely. It is like a subliminal message, as if the girl is being brainwashed.

Themes and issues and representation

  • The film seems to be about a girl who transforms into a dog. At first, you think that she has been attacked but then you see her acting strangely as she licks the cut on her leg. SHe then follows a bird in the sky. SHe seems to have dog like characteristics of a dog at the beginning. She then walks around and it is as if she has been possessed by something. She tries to catch a dead rabbit in the road but a white van stops her. The white van could represent animal catchers of stray animals. She runs away and goes to a field where a man walks out of the bushes behind her. He is holding a small rabbit which sets the girl off and she attacks the man. This is when she turns into the dog as after the attack, you see the dog running off. The audience are wondering if the man has been put under the same spell as he is left as the girl was found.
  • The audience are not positioned in a certain way as there isnt a protagonist or an antagonsit. This means that the audience can think what they like about the characters as it doest matter how they are seen.

1 comment:

  1. You have posted comments on the "set" films - what about your own research. this will demonstrate a rather important A2 skill - independent research. Ignore at your peril!
