Friday, 15 January 2010

Resarch Tasks

Conversation Piece (Stewart, 2009)

Identify the genre/s or style/s used

  • Social Realism/ Comedy
  • Diegetic and non diegetic sound
  • All close up shots until record is played
  • Dark clothes
  • Plain/antique background
  • Low lighting represents mood
  • Grainy image

How does this film use genre/style conventions uniquely?

  • This film uses sound to its advantage. It is social realism but there isnt any speech only music. This makes it different to any other film as there isnt a film where speech is represented by music. I like the continuity editing, it flows and keeps the audience interested as they can imagine what they are saying. Ther speech is represented by different musical instruments. The womans voice is very high pitched, which could represent her nagging, while the husband has a very low sounding instrument, which makes him seem very laid back.

How does the film use the short film format?

  • The opening of this film shows a normal couple. They are in sepreate rooms, which could show that they are distant, maybe even leading sepreat lives. The husband is relaxing, reading hte newspaper while his wife is asking/nagging him about a broken vase. Before the end of the film the record stops. This could stand for hte equilibrium held within the house, after the diruption caused by the broken vase. However, the music plays again which could restart the disequilibrium again.

What do you find interesting about the use of sound?

  • The fact that the sound is diegetic and non diegetic may add some confusion to the audience as they dont know whether the characters can hear the music or not. It is diegetic when hee first puts on the record. It seems as if he is just relaxing as he just picks out his favourite song. Then, his wife asks about a broken vase. You cant hear the words that they are saying but the tone of voice is resembled through the tune of the song.

Themes and issues and representation

  • The film is about a couple who are having a marital argument. The wife finds that a piece of her vase is missing and questions her husband about it. He denies that he has anything to do with it. When they have had the argument, you see that the husband had the piece all along and you are left wondering whether he made them have an argument on purpose?
  • The typical husband and wife stereotype is being portrayed here as couples are known to have little arguments and rows. The audience may not feel sympathic towards wither characters as they are both in the same situation. However, male viewers may feel for the husband an female viewers may feel sorry for the wife.

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