Thursday, 1 April 2010

Completed review

  • I laid the writing out in three columns which Little White Lies mostly structure their reviews in.
  • The coloured boxes beneath the photo with the information about director/actors/release date indicate the colour scheme of the film.
  • I originally displayed two hearts in the bottom corner near the page number but it was removed due to not being significant to what would related to a popular movie on the cover of the magazine.

1 comment:

  1. overall bit short.
    format to 20 x 24.5 cm
    You repeat gripping twice in your ratings
    no fine details at bottom of pages
    Anonymous title - choose approp font

    I think overall, you need to decide on your tense.

    You need more on the plot

    Some papragraphs are confusing.

    I will feedback direct on Monday.
