Shots: Actor spinning with doll (set a POV), low angle shots of actor walking with the doll in hand, actor walking up & running back and forth (POV) in an alley.
Props: Hoody & doll.
Problem: Accidently filmed over the kitchen shots and weather interrupted advanced filming sessions.
Plan for next filming session:
- Shots with psychiatrist
- Kitchen Shots
- First shot (bruise)
I have managed to see most of your filming. There are a few problems which you will need to address, perhaps some in your evaluation.
ReplyDelete1. The Kitchen - avoid shots of the watwer heater, this immediately tells us that the setting is a "industrial" setting as domestic kitchens do not have water heaters, especially brand spanking new ones!
2. You have alot of very long takes in all your footage, however, having lloked at the footage, with skillful editing you can stitch these together to make scenes more interesting - try to avoid showing zooms. Zooming is very lazy and not regarded as good camerawork unless very skillfully used.
3. Use those parts of your footage where you have good framing - in some of your long shots, you do have good bits that you can retrieve. From discussing this with you, Francesca appeaers to have a good eye for this - she does do phjotography so should recognise good framing.
4 A strength is the fact that you have quite a lot of diffeent settings.
5.If yuu are communicating deprivation/deprived area, i am afraid some of your shots do communicate affluence. Thus the park for instance is very clean. In retrospect it would have been good to construct neglect by putting litter around the seat, having got permission for this first.